“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead.
As we celebrate Community this month- we celebrate the immense power people possess when they band together with others to ignite change. We celebrate the diversity of thought that exists and the innovation that results from collaboration. We have now spent close to 16 months isolated in the Arctic yet we have amassed many “heartbeats”.
We celebrate “Heartbeats” that include thousands of individuals around the world. This means you, that care deeply and want to do “something” to participate in action around climate change. Researchers that trust and rely on our data collection and observations. And partners that support our education sharing and outreach and stand firmly committed to sustainable ideas and innovation that will create a better, more equitable tomorrow for all of us.
With no running water and no electricity at Bamsebu, we have relied on a solar and wind set up by Powercontrolls. We have also teamed up with CHOOOSE, a Norwegian climate and technology company that helped us to reduce more CO2 than we leave behind by supporting CO2-reducing projects that accelerate renewable energy. This has made the entire Bamsebu stay (which in May 2021 will be 19 months total) not only climate neutral but climate positive. This is a great step! And something everyone can do today.
Every single morning we wake up in this sublime Arctic landscape wondering what to share with all of you that can be relevant. What can we suggest that we know works. What words to share that show our belief and knowledge around the changes we are experiencing and what we have learned.
We have a few months left here and you can bet that every day will be spent working on sharing things that we think are so relevant for a better tomorrow. This is where “Tomorrow’s Air” comes in- we have partnered with them to support innovative Carbon Drawdown technology. Humanity can solve the de-escalation of Climate Change!
“Hearts in the Ice is perfectly aligned with our vision at Tomorrow’s Air,” said Christina Beckmann, Tomorrow’s Air co-founder. “Through our collective we’re building social acceptance for carbon removal through direct air capture along with empowering our global travel audience – both travelers and companies – to take measurable action with us”
March is upon us! The sun will soon shine here (March 8) at Bamsebu with new content on Arctic/Antarctic Wildlife for our Citizen Science theme and a great lineup of speakers on the subject “Power of Community” & “Food” presented by Hyundai. We hope you can join us on our live satellite calls: Read all about them and sign up here.
Polar Hugs- Sunniva, Hilde and Ettra
In case you missed Hearts in the Ice in the news- recent clips here:
An interview with Tristan Kenndy, a journalist specializing in environmental issues, in the WIRED Magazine.
Questions and answers with Hilde and Sunniva, in the community of NRS.
An interview with Canada Goose.
Hilde and Sunniva thrive in a long, cold Arctic winter with the help of Undersun Resistance Bands. Read the blog here.
Read about Hilde and Sunniva in the Choose news “Sustainable voices”.
Dear Sunniva, Hilde and Ettra. Thoroughly enjoy these updates. Beautiful pictures. Thankyou for what you do. Be well. Stay safe. Lots of love from Winnipeg, Canada. ❤️
Thanks a lot <3
I do enjoy your blog. I’m with a Scandinavian group in Regina, Saskatchewan and I’ve written an article about your work for our upcoming newsletter. I would like to include the picture on your website of the 3 of you. Do I have your permission to do so? Thank you!
Please tag Hearts in the Ice.
Good luck with your work 🙂
I have seen many petitions against Canada Goose. Have they changed their practices? I see their name on your site.
Thank you for your message. We appreciate your concern. We value each of our sponsor for their efforts to fight climate change.
Canada Goose will no longer purchase fur. They will launch a bold new initiative that will introduce reclaimed fur into their supply chain.
Great photos
Thanks 🙂
What sacrifices and hardships you have endured in order to bring us stories from the Arctic. I have just found you thanks to a news article. It will take me a while reading to catch up with your adventures! I am a Canadian living in the Deep South of the United States, I am the manager of a 1200 acre nature preserve. For years, I’ve been lamenting how violent are storms are, how severe the droughts have been and how hellishly hot our Summers are getting. No one listens, they all hide in their big homes and air conditioned cars. They don’t live in the environment as we do. They are totally disconnected.
I applaud your research efforts, you do it all with such grace and beauty. The pictures you take are breathtaking!
Thank you so much <3
We are sending loats of love and careful thoughts to you.
Well, good planet ladies. Just catching up on your last few blog posts on the morning of the return to “daylight savings” here in Beautiful British Columbia. I think that term “daylight savings” would actually have far more meaning to you as you move(d) out of the deep darkness of Winter at Bamsebu. I can’t imagine what 19 months(?) of living there (8 in total darkness?) has physically done to your bodies? But I know that you are both physically and mentally strong persons, so I am also not the least bit concerned. Glad to hear that you have your “child”, Ettra, back @ Bamsebu. 👍 As dog lovers ourselves, we know how special your relationship is with Ettra. Doesn’t hurt that Ettra is such a gorgeous looking dog, and BTW that’s a beautiful pic of her standing so proudly on the ice with the sunlit mountains beyond.
As a fellow Piscean myself, I’m going to take the opportunity here to wish Sunniva a very Happy Birthday this week on St. Paddy’s Day- a very appropriate day for your birth, given that little warm and welcoming glint you always have in your eyes when I see you. Here’s to sharing a pint (ok, glass of red wine) the next time our paths cross. Cheers (or Slainte – as the Irish say), to you, Hilde and yes, Ettra too. Take care. 🤗
Thanks a lot 🙂