Hearts In The Ice Blog

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A bark from Ettra

A bark from Ettra

–  Woof! Ettra here. I want to share a bit about my life at Bamsebu with you. The first winter I slept outside almost the entire time. It was dark, cold and windy but I rolled up like the fur ball that I am. The coldest night it was -34 degrees. Don’t forget I have a...

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The countdown is on

The countdown is on

“I have no special talents, I am merely passionately curious” -Albert Einstein   Its April and its Citizen Science Month, so what does that mean? For us up here in the land of ice and snow and Polar Bears it means being a keen observer to change as we record what...

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Climate technology and a beautiful day

Climate technology and a beautiful day

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead. As we celebrate Community this month- we celebrate the immense power people possess when they band together with...

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“The ancestor of every action is a thought” --- Ralph Waldo Emerson   It’s a scene in almost every western movie. Cowboys huddled around the crackling fire at night, whiskey in one hand and smokes in another. Laughter, stories, a roast- catch of the day, sounds...

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No days are alike

No days are alike

“The sky knows when it's time to snow. Don't need to teach a seed to grow. It's just another ordinary miracle today.”  - Sarah Maclaughlan   – What is a typical day at Bamsebu? We often get asked that. There are things we do every single day like getting a fire...

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From climate despair to climate optimism

From climate despair to climate optimism

Solstice- moving towards the light to shine the light!   We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. — TS Eliot   Inspiration and guest expert We are borrowing...

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The light is back, but there is still no sea ice

The light is back, but there is still no sea ice

“Borders, I have never seen one. But I hear they exist in the minds of some people”  – Thor Heyerdahl -    Life here can be thought of as chaos.  It is surreal, dark, cold, expansive, harsh, barren, peaceful, magical and ever-changing. It is full of random polar...

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4 Polar Bear visits and a Polar Bear poop

4 Polar Bear visits and a Polar Bear poop

“There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  - Einstein Pancake Ice Slowly, the pancake ice is starting to form in the fjord. Our shoreline delineated by a thick band of frozen...

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