Hearts In The Ice



Communication for team “Hearts in the Ice” courtesy of


Hearts In The Ice


Communication for team Hearts in the Ice courtesy of Marlink

   Hearts in the Ice, created by Hilde Fålun Strøm and Sunniva Sorby, is a platform for social engagement connecting students, scientists, manufacturers, environmental organizations, and all who care about the health of our planet, in the conversation around climate change.

North America

Press Contact:

Pascale Lortie


+ 1 514 892-9002

14 July 2021 | Time Magazine – How Climate Change Science Has Changed Due to COVID-19 Restrictions

16 June 2021 | CBC News – They lived in a remote Arctic cabin for 18 months to be ‘climate witnesses’

12 March 2021 | Newsweek – From the Arctic to Mars, These Women Made History During the Pandemic

8 March 2021 | Euronews – Strong and successful without men: Why two women spent a year in the Arctic

8 March 2021 | Newsweek – Why the First Women to Overwinter Alone in the Harsh Arctic Returned

20 February 2021 | Wired Magazine – At the end of the Earth

5 January 2021 |  CBC Listen – Citizen Science in the High Arctic

12 December 2020 | Ms. Magazine – Citizen Science: First Women to Overwinter in the Arctic Return for Second Time

10 December 2020 | Euronews Article – ‘Strong and Successful Without Men’ : Why Two Women Spent a Year in the Arctic

9 December 2020 | CNN Videos – Two women are enduring their second Arctic winter to highlight climate change

8 December 2020 | Treehugger Article – These Women Are Living Off-Grid in the High Arctic for Citizen Science

8 December 2020 | American Geophysical Union (AGU) – AGU 2020 Frontiers of Geophysics Lecture (Video)

8 December 2020 | American Geophysical Union (AGU) – Video Update From The Arctic

12 November 2020 |  Canadian Geographic – Q&A: How isolation in the remote High Arctic can have valuable lessons for our changing world

7 November 2020 | Remote Works Podcast

9 June 2020 | Canadian Running Magazine – Running is a lifesaver for two women stranded in the Norwegian Arctic

5 June 2020 | Insider Magazine – What life is like for 2 women stranded in a tiny cabin in the Arctic, where polar bears and freezing temperatures are constant challenges

4 June 2020 | Squamish Mountain FM – Interview with Sunniva Sorby

22 May 2020 | Vogue Magazine – Lessons on Isolation From Climate Researchers Stranded in the Arctic

22 May 2020 | CNN – The Arctic explorers locked down in a tiny hut in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago

5 May 2020 | NBC News (Video) – Arctic explorers stranded amid coronavirus lockdowns

21 Avril 2020  | Journal Le Nord – Crise = Danger + Opportunité

April 2020 | Satellite phone interview with Bianca Hillier, Producer, The World

02 April 2020 | Minnesota KARE 11 TV Interview

10 Mars 2020 | Journal Accès – Le Pays de la motoneige

27 January 2020 | IridiumBlog – Q&A with Hearts in the Ice Founders Sunniva Sorby and Hilde Falun Strom

10 January 2020 | Canadian Geographic – Hearts in the Ice: Drone Technology

07 Janvier 2020 | Journal Accès – Deux ours polaires en 12 heures !

18 December 2019 | High North News – Hilde and Sunniva to Celebrate Christmas at 78 Degrees North

19 Novembre | Journal Accès – Appel aux jeunes : vos efforts comptent pour beaucoup !

13 November 2019 | CBC Radio – Arctic research on climate change

12 Novembre 2019 | Journal Accès – Déjà la nuit polaire…

01 November 2019 | Canadian Geographic – Hearts in the Ice: Climate change in our polar regions

22 Octobre 2019 | Journal Accès – Hearts in the ice

17 October 2019 | Squamish chief: Squamish adventurer takes on climate change

08 Octobre 2019 | Journal Accès – « Hearts in the Ice » : C’est un départ !

01 October 2019 | Canadian Geographic – Q&A: Why two female adventurers are preparing to overwinter in Svalbard, Norway

Septembre 2019 | Journal Accès – 9 mois en Arctique

12 September 2019 | NASA Aurorasaurus – Hearts in the Ice: Citizen Science in the Arctic

September 2019 | Visit Svalbard – Hearts In The Ice

You may download images or media without fees, but only when there is a clearly visible connection with news reports about Hearts in the ice, and with the photographer’s byline published beside each published image like this:

Photo: Polar Bear / Hearts In The Ice 

All text and image material on www.heartsintheice.com is protected by international copyright law. The reproduction rights belong solely to the photographer and author.

By accessing this site you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

Corporate Address:


Logo: You may use the logo either as the full mark / wordmark:

Or you may use the mark alone, as long as you include the name Hearts In The Ice in text next to the logo.







Hilde & Sunniva |Bamsebu 2019-2020


Hilde Fålun Strøm

Sunniva Sorby

Bamsebu Hut



Press Contact:

Pascale Lortie


+ 1 514 892-9002

24. Januar 2021 | polarkreisportal.de – Freiwillig isoliert in Bamsebu – mit Eisbären vor der Tür.

21/1/2021 | BBC Travel Article – A defiant move to the Norwegian Arctic

10/12/2020 | Euronews Article – ‘Strong and Successful Without Men’ : Why Two Women Spent a Year in the Arctic

25/09/2020 | Another World Adventures – Overwintering On Svalbard

22.09.2020 | Svalbardposten | Starter på ny overvintring

22 May 2020 | Newstalk Radio Ireland – (Podcast Interview): Stuck in The Arctic

25 MAI 2020 | Dagbladet – Har vært 9 måneder i fangsthytte

5.2020 | High North News – Forlenger oppholdet i fangsthytta: – Isolasjonen gir oss mening

05.2020 | Hjemmet – Vi vil inspirere. Målet er å løfte folk ut av klimadepresjon til optimisme, engasjement og hå.

05.2020 | Polar NEWS – «Zwei Herzen im Eis –Neun Monate in der Arktis»

04.2020 | Menaiset – Äärirajoille

23 mars 2020 | iTromsø – Debatt: Koronakrisen minutt-for-minutt

12.02.2020 | Nye Troms – Nå må vi rydde opp etter festen

30.03.2020 | Harvest Magazine – Dette har vi lært etter syv måneder med isolasjon

13 desember 2019 | High North News – Hilde og Sunniva feirer jul blant isbjørner, nordlys og i tjue blå

november 2019 | Scandinavian Traveller :
page 46 – A great adventure

Svalbardposten – Å leve så tett på hverandre krever daglig arbeid

30 september 2019 | High North News – Mangel på vann og ved kan bli blant Hilde og Sunnivas største utfordringer i vinter

Visit Svalbard – MED HJERTET I ISEN 


You may download images or media without fees, but only when there is a clearly visible connection with news reports about Hearts in the ice, and with the photographer’s byline published beside each published image like this:

Photo: Polar Bear / Hearts In The Ice

All text and image material on www.heartsintheice.com is protected by international copyright law. The reproduction rights belong solely to the photographer. 

By accessing this site you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

Corporate Address:


Logo: You may use the logo either as the full mark / wordmark:

Or you may use the mark alone, as long as you include the name Hearts In The Ice in text next to the logo.





Hilde & Sunniva |Bamsebu 2019-2020


Hilde Fålun Strøm

Sunniva Sorby

Bamsebu Hut


Sunniva Sorby

Sunniva has decades of expedition experience including being part of the historic first women’s team to ski to the south Pole. Citizen Science projects were introduced to her many years ago highlighting the importance of collaboration with scientists to better understand changes in bio-diversity and climate change and what individuals can do. “Hearts In The Ice is my way of highlighting the changes and engaging action – in a positive way!” – Sunniva Sorby

Hilde Fålun Strøm

Having moved to Svalbard over 23 years ago, Hilde’s experiences have ranged from hunting to dogsledding, months at remote huts, ski expeditions and well over 200 polar bear encounters.  By sharing her fascination and love for this Arctic land and by creating awareness and engagement through Hearts in the Ice, Hilde hopes to contribute to reversing the negative trends that affect our environment, up in the Arctic and everywhere. “I feel so connected and at home here in the Arctic. Finding ways to protect this fragile, harsh land seems natural to me. We protect what we love.” – Hilde Fålun Strøm

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